Monday, 23 February 2015

music magazine double page spread album cover (process)

Here is the process of making my double page spread album cover.

firstly, i decided on a image for my main focus of the album which is titled "The Freakshow".

i decided to use this background as it represents a stage at curtain fall which would be associated with a show , a freak show to be more specific.

the photo picked is to show the equality of 'freaks' as alike, as i have used a duplicate layer to show two sides to a person. The main picture is picture of the lead singer of the band The Pyschomoks.

this was only a first draft of my idea i went on to add and improve my idea to link with the concept of equality in differences.

Music Magazine (double page spread) music album

Here is my final piece for my album cover on my double page spread of my magazine.
the use of red connotes the violent feeling of the music showing a rebellious side to this album which also links to the cover with the use of this colour scheme.