Friday, 26 September 2014

School Magazine Cover Photo

School Magazine Cover Photo

Location of photo

i desided to use the libary as my location choice of my cover photo becasue it looks calm and relaxing this will will give off a postive and happy feel to the magzine and school generally this will make the magzine look more apealling and more likely to be picked up a engaged in.


acutal photo

This is my photo for my school magazine cover , in my shot i used a laptop to show Modern technology as my unique selling point for my school magazine. this shows that my school magazine is up to date , evolved and modernised. this appeals to the young / teenage generation because they can relate to it.

this is me in action taking my organised shot in the library i had permission from the Liberian to take my photo in the location that i selected which was ideal because its a clear and calming place whcih suggests a friend and happy enviorment 

School Magazine Cover Research

School Magazine cover 

My Research 

during my research on looking for ideal photos ideas for my magazine cover photo i found a many using unique selling points such as sports and dance so i decided that my magazines USP would be Modern technology such as laptops so this is why i picked this ideal shop to loosely base my school magazine cover on.

my school magazine cover plan (sketch)

my school magazine cover plan
this is My School Magazine Cover Plan which i based on a photo i found while doing my research. even though my final shot isn't going to be exactly like the plan it will be based off of it. my plan is basic but gives me a clear visual of how i will take and organise my photo for my school magazine cover.

Saturday, 20 September 2014



Before taking the photos we had to get permission to do so. We gave a permission sheet to sign before any photos where taken to ensure that premission was allowed are choosen models we gave the permission sheets gave us their consent to take photographs of them.

This is a copy of the sheet that they signed:

Monday, 15 September 2014

Last Weeks Work

Last Weeks Work (first draft Photographs for my magazine)

last week we took some photos for our pre-liminary task which was to create a school magazine cover. we looked at different ideal locations, angles and shots types with our basic knowledge and understanding. we created some good composed shots in our group.

here are some of the shots that i took in our small group:

Leon , Harry and Allan

Sophie and Allan

Harry, Sophie,Allan and Leon


Harry , Leon and Allan

Important Adresses